Bird song example

Here we’ll use the recordings of a common bird, the great tit (Parus major). The recording is an excerpt of a bigger recording made by Jarek Matusiak (Xeno Canto, XC235125) - give it a listen here.


As of version 0.0.X, this recording is also a very good example of how multi-harmonic sounds can’t be tracked very well!

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 10000
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import itsfm
from import example_calls, all_wav_files,folder_with_audio_files

great_tit_rec = list(map( lambda X: 'Parus_major_Poland' in X, all_wav_files))
index = great_tit_rec.index(True)
full_audio, fs = example_calls[index] # load the relevant example audio

w,s = itsfm.visualise_sound(full_audio, fs, fft_size=512)

The complete audio recording takes a long time to run, and so let’s focus on the sections between 0.8-1.5s. It contains one example of the three types of the great tit’s calls.

t_start, t_stop = 0.8, 1.5
selection = slice(int(fs*t_start), int(fs*t_stop))
audio = full_audio[selection]

w,s = itsfm.visualise_sound(audio, fs, fft_size=256)

The bird song has a three types of calls, a smooth frequency modulated sweep a constant frequency tone, and the last element has a rather rapid frequency sweep which then transitions into a constant frequency segment.

Setting the correct signal level

The frequency profile of a sound is calculated only for those chunks of the audio that are above a threshold dBrms, called the signal_level. Make a moving dBrms plot to see which a sensible signal threshold to set

a = plt.subplot(211)
itsfm.plot_movingdbrms(audio, fs, window_size=int(0.005*fs))
plt.subplot(212, sharex=a)
out = plt.specgram(audio, Fs=fs, NFFT=256, noverlap=255)

With this plot, we can see that a level of -34 dB rms with a 5ms window will choose the song elements well. Let’s try it out.

non_default_params = {

output = itsfm.segment_and_measure_call(audio, fs,**non_default_params )

bird_inspect = itsfm.itsFMInspector(output,audio,fs, fft_size=512)

First, let’s check if we’re actually picking up the bird signals reliable with the signal_level we chose.


And let’s look at the measurements


We see there are 9 valid sound segments picked up, and their start and stop times are displayed. How have they been classified?


Whoops, it seems like they’ve all been classified as CF parts. Even though the audio actually has FM parts in it, or so we think. Well, whether something is frequency modulated or not is set by the fmrate_threshold. We need to correct the situation by setting it to a more sensible value.

Setting a non-default FM rate

The segmentation of sounds into FM and CF regions happens by looking at the FM rate over the sound. Whenever a region crosses the FM rate threshold, it is considered an FM region. Let’s check out the FM rate over the sound with the current parameters, and then choose a more sensible, non-default fmrate_threshold parameter.


As you can see the constant frequency and modulated parts are being tracked pretty well, but they’re not being classified properly. The CF or FM classification is based on the estimated reate of frequency modulation over the sound, ,the fmrate_threshold. The default if 1kHz/ms, which is a lot if you think about it. At this rate, the bird would have gone from 20kHz to 20 Hz in about 20 milliseconds, and you would have barely heard it. This default FM rate is set to pick up FM regions in bats, and so it needs to be adjusted for other animals.

The fm segments in the great tits song correspond to an FM rate of >= 0.005 kHz/ms. Remember that all frequency modulation rates are in kHz/ms. Let’s set this as the threshold and proceed to segment.

non_default_params['fmrate_threshold'] = 0.02 #

output_newrate = itsfm.segment_and_measure_call(audio, fs,

newrate_inspect = itsfm.itsFMInspector(output_newrate, audio, fs, fft_size=512)

And let’s look at the measurements


Let’s check the the segmentation output again now


So, it’s improved, and there seem to be mainly FM regions in at the edges of the sounds. Is this real, or an artifact of the frequency profile fitting. Let’s inspect the actual frequency profiles underlying the fmrate calcultions


The issue with the third element is that there’s a multiple harmonics and this may cause the local frequency estiamte to vary up and down . We can try to overcome the effect of non-peak frequencies using the percentile parameter. The percentile essentially

to be completed….

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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