API : The user interface

User-friendly top-level functions which allow the user to handle

  1. Call-background segmentation

  2. CF-FM call part segmentation

  3. Measurement of CF-FM audio parts

Let’s take a look at an example where we [TO BE COMPLETED!!!]

import scipy.signal as signal
from itsfm.user_interface import segment_and_measure_call
from itsfm.view_horseshoebat_call import *
from itsfm.simulate_calls import make_cffm_call

# create synthetic call
call_parameters = {'cf':(100000, 0.01),
                    'upfm':(80000, 0.002),
                    'downfm':(60000, 0.003),

fs = 500*10**3 # 500kHz sampling rate
synthetic_call, freq_profile = make_cffm_call(call_parameters, fs)

# window and reduce overall signal level
synthetic_call *= signal.tukey(synthetic_call.size, 0.1)
synthetic_call *= 0.75

# measuring a well-selected call (without silent background)

# measuing a call with a silent background

# and add 2ms of additional background_noise of ~ -60dBrms
samples_1ms = int(fs*0.001)
final_size = synthetic_call.size + samples_1ms*2
call_with_noise = np.random.normal(0,10**(-60/20.0),final_size)
call_with_noise[samples_1ms:-samples_1ms] += synthetic_call


seg_and_msmts = segment_and_measure_call(call_with_noise, fs,
call_segmentation, call_parts, measurements, backg_segment = seg_and_msmts
itsfm.user_interface.segment_and_measure_call(main_call, fs, segment_from_background=False, **kwargs)[source]

Segments the CF and FM parts of a call and then proceeds to measure their characteristics. If required, also segments call from background.

  • main_call (np.array) –

  • fs (float>0) – sampling rate in Hz

  • segment_from_background (boolean) – Whether to segment the call in the main_call audio. Defaults to False.

Keyword Arguments
  • further keyword arguments see segment_call_from_background, (For) –

  • and measure_hbc_call (segment_call_into_cf_fm) –


  • segmentation_outputs (tuple) – The outputs of segment_call_into_cf_fm in a tuple

  • call_parts_audio (dictionary) – Dictionary with numbered entries. If a sound has the following order of Cf and FM: FM-CF-FM, then the keys will be ‘fm1’,’cf1’,’fm2’. The numbering is according to the chronological order.

  • measurements (pd.DataFrame) – All the measurements from the FM and CF parts.


Let’s simulate a call to demonstrate how the measurement+segmentation works.

>>> import scipy.signal  as signal
>>> from itsfm.simulate_calls import make_cffm_call
>>> call_properties = {'cf':(80000, 0.01), 'upfm':(70000, 0.002),
                       'downfm':(50000, 0.002)}
>>> fs = 500000
>>> call, profile = make_cffm_call(call_properties, fs)
>>> call *= signal.tukey(call.size, 0.1)
>>> plt.figure()
>>> plot1 = plt.subplot(211)
>>> plt.plot(profile)
>>> #segment the CF and FM parts with the default 'peak percentage' method.
>>> segm_out, call_parts, measures, _ = segment_and_measure_call(call,
>>> print(measures)

Now segment with frequency tracking implemented with the Pseudo Wigner Ville Distribution, and the set the fmrate threshold to 10 kHz/ms

>>> segm_out, call_parts, measures, _ = segment_and_measure_call(call,
>>> plt.subplot(212, sharex=plot1)
>>> plt.plot(segm_out[-1]['fmrate'])
>>> print(measures)

See also


itsfm.user_interface.save_overview_graphs(all_subplots, analysis_name, file_name, index, **kwargs)[source]

Saves overview graphs.

  • all_subplots (list) – List with plt.subplot objects in them. For each figure to be saved, one subplot object is enough.

  • analysis_name (str) – The name of the analysis. If this funciton is called through a batchfile, then it becomes the name of the batchfile

  • file_name (str) –

  • index (int, optional) – A numeric identifier for each graph. This is especially relevant for analyses driven by batch files as there may be cases where the calls are selected from the same audio file but in different parts.


Return type



This function has the main side effect of saving all the input figures into a pdf file with >1 pages (one page per plot) for the user to inspect the results.


import numpy as np

# 1st plot plt.figure() a = plt.subplot(211) plt.plot([1,2,3]) b = plt.subplot(212) plt.plot([5,4,3])

#2nd plot plt.figure() c = plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(np.random.normal(0,1,100)) d = plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(np.random.normal(0,1,10))

save_overview_graphs([a,c], ‘example_plots’, ‘example_file’,0)